News: September 1, 2014

Requiem for a Glacier opens September 6th, 2014 at the Art Gallery at Evergreen Cultural Centre in Coquitlam BC. The exhibition runs until October 25th. The opening is from 2-5pm on the 6th.

Paul Walde’s work Interdeterminacy (for John Cage) is part of Open Sound 2014: Sonorous Kingdom at the Surrey Art Gallery, Surrey BC. The exhibition opens September 20th and runs until December 14th.

Paul Walde will perform with EMU: Experimental Music Unit Saturday, November 15, from 12-5pm at the Surrey Art Gallery. Elements from the concert Music for Mycologists will be on the program including Interdeterminacy.

An excerpt of Audio Lodge’s Time Transposition 1010 featuring a detail from the Passenger Pigeon flyover will be presented at the Museum of Nature in Ottawa as part of an exhibition commemorating the 100th anniversary of the the extinction of the species.

On July 1st, 2014 Paul Walde was appointed Chair of the Visual Arts Department at the University of Victoria.